

Grand Prix Grimaud 1973

Black Back (Originalentwürfe)

Arik Brauer

Vereinigte Möbelindustrie

Carte Comiche Italiane a Trasformazione

Gas Shortages

KUCKUCK Prima Camfio-Kort No. 368

Karikaturen. No. 24

Under The Sea transformation playing cards

Airfight in WWII A. "Ace" No. 615

Chaos, Poch, Rock & HNT

Extinct Animals. "Ace" No. 606

Baraja Real Fábrica de Lisboa

Arnold Schoenberg Playing Cards

Mudam : Laurent Fétis

Sky Spirit. "Ace" No. 616

Gosposha Udatscha. Dame Fortune

BB Coyotte

Fernando Pessoa & Co

The Rt. Hon. Margaret Thatcher, Britain's First Woman Prime Minister

Karikaturen und Unterschiede

Luna Nera. Playing Cards Valdai.

Mudam : Donuts

PREUSSISCHES BILD. Reichskarte No. 206.

Gorleben soll leben!


52 Plus Joker. Annual Deck 2005

Youth. Spielkarten Für die Jugend

Carte da collezione

Chinese Queen. "Ace" No. 627.2

Nissan Palsus

Politik ist Trumpf

Dragon III

Jäger- und Schützen-Rommé. No. 1112

Actors Sovieticos 3

Der Abend

Pusle Spil

Wersal (Versailles)

Color Land. "Ace" No. 618

52 Plus Joker. Annual Deck 2006

Leipziger Mess-Skatkarte

Pickering's Political Pack

Magyar Viseletek a Középkorban I. Hungarian Costumes in Middle Ages I


Baraja Don Quijote

Chinese Queen. "Ace" No. 627.1


Old Train. "Ace" No. 603

Suntory Beer

Nichtraucher-Jasskarten. 2. (verbesserte) Auflage.

The Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Churchill

Das Spiel und der Maler

Unique Playing Cards

Karl Korab

Baiba Baiba Playing Cards

MART Treiding (Trading)

Pack of Dogs Playing Cards

Coronation. May 12, 1937

American Civil War

Grand Prix Grimaud 1974

August der Starke und seine Zeit

Mudam : Paul Kirps

Junge Frau

Sailing II. "Ace" No. 611

Russisches Bier

Totengräber Tarock

Komandirskije (Kommandeure)

Actors Sovieticos 1

Nature. "Ace" No. 602


Conoco and You


Imperial Palace Old Photos

ABC Broadcasting

Sovereign Scenic Playing Cards

Commemorating the Wedding of Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips on November 14th, 1973

American Independence Bicentenary

2. Weltkrieg

Transantarctic Expedition 1958

Karl Gerich. No. 10. Four Corners of the World.

Management By ...

Karl Gerich. No. 16. Patience Indien.


Nippon Beer

Actors Sovieticos 2

Calcio Storico Fiorentino

Trachten Quartett

Dreamscape. "Ace" No. 601

Chinese Taoism II. "Ace" No. 610

Karl Gerich & Georgina Harvey. No. 29.

Alte Kalender. No. 0222.

Tote Seelen

Youth. Spielkarten Für die Jugend. Contex

Politiker Schnapser

Mudam : Laurent Daubach

La Belle Alliance

Fantasy. "Ace" No. 613

Baraja Claveria

Baraja de la Lagartija

Artist’s Aces of Spades

Dviracio Kortos (Bicycle Cards)



Jass De Luxe 10001

Baraja Peplum

Shakespeare Quatercentenary 1564 - 1964. The Globe Theatre

World of Warcraft

Sailing I. "Ace" No. 611

Black Back

Belgische oder Spanische Karten

Kretschinskis Hochzeit

Vendég voltam Budapesten. Ich war zu Gast in Budapest

The Deal

Filmsterren A


Parrot World I. "Ace" No. 609

Le Giscarte

Karten für kleine Mädchen

Cats Fun I. "Ace" No. 604

Golden Patience

Aotea Playing Cards


Karl Gerich & Georgina Harvey. No. 30. Merry Andrew.


Native. "Ace" No. 622

Baraja Iberoamericana. Reedición Cincuentenario

Schweizer Spiel

Famous Artistor (sic) of the World

Management By Cards.

Karl Gerich. No. 15. TRAPPOLA FRANCAISE.

Karl Gerich. No. 25. Great Mogul. Cartas Dos Tigres.

The King and Queen of Thailand at Guildhall


52 selected views of Scotland

Mudam : Play the Game. Massinon

Italia Nuova